favourite places.
These were medium images, (the preceeding batch were large)
click on all images to enlarge.

Uluru, (Ayers Rock) located in the red centre of NT Australia.
Probably our best known tourist destination, the number of times this
rock has been photographed would run into millions, the colour change
as the sun sinks in the west has to be seen to be believed.
There is everything from a deep red through to a purple, and the
changes are so subtle that you don't even notice them until you realize
that there is no longer a trace of red visible.

Sugar Cane fields not far from Innisfail one of the towns devastated
by the recent cyclone.
We grow huge quantities of sugar cane along the coastal strip in
Queensland, there are dozens of sugar mills spread throughout
this same area.
Of late there has been a little diversification into tropical fruits,
avacado and the like, but it is still sugar cane country in the main.

Sydney city skyline, with the Sydney Opera House in the foreground.
Sydney is the capital city of NSW, the opera house rivals the harbour
bridge for the main attraction to the beautiful harbour area.
Sydney is the largest city in Australia with a population of over 3 million
it is even by world standards a big cosmopolitan city.

This is a typical rural scene from the rich farm land of Victoria.
To a large degree the horse has been replaced by agricultural motor
bikes and the ever faithful sheepdog, scenes not unlike this one were
part of the reason that we farmed for 14 years at Martborough.

These are the Olga's a cluster of rocks and rocky monoliths in NT
They are located quite close to Uluru and are clearly visible from the
sumit for those who choose to climb the rock.
This was the area from which the baby Azaria Chamberlain disappeared,
supposedly taken by a Dingo while the family cooked a barbecue 20 feet
from the tent where she slept, you may recall the movie starring
Meryl Streep, about this incident.
Gorgeous...I might just have to come and visit you, Petey Baby.
Fantastic pictures, Peter!
Thanks for posting them for our viewing pleasure!
Thanks Peter for sharing this. A great photo.
You always have very interesting info.:)
Beautiful photos and I love the one of the cowboy!!
Beautiful photos. I hoped there would be one of the Blue Mountains
Hi Peter. Just wanted to say thanks for coming to visit my blog. It's always great to meet a fellow Aussie !! I love your photos ... Australia is an amazing place, isn't it. I am going to do a bit of a series, like the one I did on Melbourne, about some of my favorite places. It is strange that I don't actually have any photos of my home town of Melbourne ... I had to use pics off the interenet .. must take a trip into town and take some. I love you aerial view of Melbourne ... it is stunning. Did you take it ??
Anyway, take care, Peter ... hope we can visit some more.
Take care, Meow
Great pics Peter, and of course, even better stories to go with them.
I was feeling low for a bit, thinking I must have been neglecting your blog for a long while, judging from all I hadn't read, This until I realized by the dates that I was here yesterday. You are a prolific blogger at times my friend.
Thanks for the tour. I really like the opera house , the farming scene and the sand island. Thanks.
Peter - your photos are incredible. You and LZ could publish a book of all of your wonderful photographs. I would buy it!
I have been a slacker on reading the blogs - life outside these walls has been sreaming @ me.
Hope you are doing well. Hugs, Meg
Hi Peter ~~ Again more great photos.
We have a great country here with some
fantastic sites to see.
This has been a great series. NOW what do you come up with?
I started at the bottom. You confused
me as well as Cliff. I was surprised at
your long and interesting post or posts>
Cheers, Merle.
Great pictures, Peter. Australia's a beautiful place. I would love to visit.
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