click pictures to enbiggen.
she is tiny and loud, unlike Minnie and Skinny who never made a noise.
This one is cute as a button though and is being spoiled rotten.
Another chapter in the SA saga, perhaps the last for this visit?
Its Sunday afternoon as I write this (will post it later in the week sometime)and I’m home alone while Vicki and Rex are helping three friends celebrate their 50th birthdays at a nearby State Park… there is a bar-b-que lunch and dinner under the stars planned so who knows when they will get home, BTW Vicki doesn’t drink so I have no concerns about their well being, I volunteered to do the lamb feeding duties so I could catch up on my blogging a little and also give them some time together in a relaxed mode.
Yesterday saw the long awaited 350th game of football in Rex’s long career, I mean Long… it began in 1974… 34 years ago and is still going today, had he not taken 5 or 6 years off when the kids were first born who knows how many games he might have played by now.
There was a night of celebration at the club in his honor last night, old players, old coaches and old friends offered their warm congratulations on a long and illustrious playing career, as I mentioned previously he still gets named among the best players after most games…. Oh to be half that fit!!!
Now it starts to get busy again around here, there is another 2 days of shearing on Monday and Tuesday, with all the joys that come with that, on Wednesday Vicki and I will drive to Adelaide, 600 km, spend Thursday chasing up Farm and household requirements before the Doctors appointment for blood tests etc on Friday, on Saturday my oldest son Alan arrives for a few days visit with his sister and by then frazzled father so off we go on another 600km drive.
After Alan’s short visit we return to Adelaide on Tuesday (that’s another 600km drive BTW) Vicki and Rex will then deposit said brother and father at the airport where we will fly to opposite sides of the country, I am hoping, without being very confident, that they will be able to have a few days relaxing as hey have to be back in Adelaide on July 3 for more medical reports on July 4, I would love to think they will keep that appointment without the need for another 1200 km of travelling.
So the end to my almost 3 month visit looks like being just as hectic as my arrival was and I’m in relatively good health and only picking up a little bit of the slack in this hectic lifestyle…. Any wonder Vicki is sick??? And how amazing is it that Rex is still playing football???

and through a banner made by his lovely daughter in law Jana.

Hi, Peter, just catching up on your recent posts. My, you do lead an interesting life. So glad to hear Vicki is doing better. I enjoyed seeing your house and that some of the cooling features are similar to Florida houses built before air conditioning. Also glad to see your wicked humor has not changed.
You have had a very busy visit but you were a big help to Vicki and Rex while you were there and it was nice of yo to lamb sit so they could go out and enjoy themselves.
Great post Peter....
Ok, for a bunch of guys that play outdoors a lot, how come their legs are so white? *LOL*
Congrats to him on his 350th game! Wow.. what an achievement!
Hi Ho The dairy-O. Still sing that with my grandkids.
Look at those jock! Whew... hee hee.
That life (your daughter's) is overwhelming to a 100% healthy person. She's a trooper in my book.
My Gosh Peter that 3 months went quickly How time fly's.
Pleased to hear at last Vicki is on the improvement.and hope she gets good results when she has to see specialist.. Love to all Jan
The farmers in the dell
The farmers in the dell
High Ho the dairy Oh!
The farmers in the dell!
Um so whats a dell????
Those babies are way cute I just want to hug them. So hugs to them and you and Vicki and Rex
By "football", you mean "soccer?" I think to end this confusion, the people who play "soccer" football should be required to spell it "futbol." Then there will be no guessing. I think of everything.
Love the cartoon and the goats! I do hope that Vicki's news will be good, and that you have a safe trip home.
Peter, I'd prefer you stay there a while longer. Your post's are truly magnificient from these surroundings. I've enjoyed,and been entertained by all of them.
You have been very busy there Peter and they will certainly miss you once you are home again. I do hope and pray that all medical reports are good for Vicki.
Those lambs are so cute!
You are having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have!
I keep forgetting that what you call "football" isn't the same as the sport we call "football." The outfits threw me at first.
I love calves and they make such beautiful pets. Lambs are cute, but have no brains.
Sounds pretty busy down there, Peter, and here I sent you an email welcoming you back to Qld! Ah well, for your sins...
Hope all goes well for Vicki and that they certainly don't have to travel all that way again...what a drag.
Keep well.
I tried to comment on this post when it was first published, but Blogger was being a prick.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was congratulation to Rex on 350. That really is impressive, too bad he had to do it in black and white stripes though!
No post in over a week.. hope everything's OK Peter.
Farmer in the DELL - hahahahahahahahaha!!! Yes, i remember the old nursery rhyme of farmer in the dell!
btw, the lambs are just adorable.
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