Peter, Julie and Wazza at Girraween National Park sometime in the 70s... even the colour photos fade in time, any wonder that some relationships also have trouble... we do hope to catch up with Julie this trip.

As can be seen from the photo above Wazza and I have been sharing adventures for a fair while now, a bit over 30 years in fact, and we are off on another one commencing Nov 2, so posting may be erratic or non-existent for a couple of weeks.
We will only be away for 2 weeks as Warren has to return to work, but we will cram in about 4,000 Kms in the i30, its first real test run, and visits to many friends as well as some beautiful scenery, so there will be lots of photos at some stage.

Peter, I hope you and Wazza have a great time - although I think whenever you are together you have fun!!
Hi Peter ~~ Looking forward to your visit, and Warren is the extra bonus!!
Hope you have a great trip and see you when you get here. Take care,Love, Merle.
Have a great time, Peter!!!
Hope you and Wazza have a wonderful trip!
Looking forward to your stories and pictures!
Have a great time! And don't forget to check you have "all" of your things before moving on! Especially your wallet and phone!
I'm really hoping for some more videos. Make sure they're as good as the last.
Drive careful, we counted you on the way out and expect the same number to return.
You guys are going to have a wonderful time. That's an order! snerx.
There is always something special when you share it with a good friend.
I look forward to the photos.
Hope you can catch up with Julie.
Drive safely.
Drink safely.
Eat well, etc.
Safe travels Peter... and take lots of pictures!
Hi Peter.
Thanks for the visit ,glad you liked the post.
Enjoy your trip, travel safely,and
give Merle a big hug for me.
Hi, Peter, just catching up again and now you and Warren are off on another adventure. Know you will have fun. Liked seeing your house from space and enjoyed seeing the Australian thorny devil. I think we have those here, but we call them politicians.
Have a safe trip - enjoy yourself.
Have a safe trip - enjoy yourself.
I enjoyed seeing that old picture! Enjoy your trip and be safe!!!
Have a fun time and don't stay from any nude beaches.
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