"In the beginning"


The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the blog management, (on the other hand, they are not necessarily not the views of the blog management).

No effort has been made to stay within the bounds of the truth in this blog as it has always been the view of the management that the truth should never be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Traveling Still, Always Will.

We went for a trip within a trip over the last few days, took Merle with us this time, first stop was to visit friends of mine of some 45 years standing, Allan had not been well over the last few months but we found him much improved and had a great, if very short, visit with he and his wife Lorna in Victoria's 2nd city, Geelong.

As usual click on photos to enbiggen

Lorna, myself, and Allan all lookin' pretty chipper.

We traveled along "The Great Ocean Road" for about 150 kms, this is a very scenic road that for much of the time skirts along the Southern Ocean, it's winds around a lot of bends and gets a bit hilly at times, not Merles favourite things but she survived it OK.

A typical scene on the GOR, the day was a bit overcast so not as much colour in the photos as there could have been.

We were impressed by a number of wood carving in a park at the small township of Apollo Bay, this one had a pair of seals carved from driftwood... I hate talented people!!

There are a lot of overseas visitors travel this road, we were amused by the fairly constant reminder signs suggesting it would be nice if they drove on "our" side of the road, we hadn't seen these anywhere else, even on the Queensland Gold Coast which has more O/S visitors than most places they aren't used.

The purpose of this trip was partly so that we could visit Merles youngest daughter Kathy,she and hubby Ard have a dairy farm where they milk 250 cows twice a day, 7 days a week... you know the deal.
The photo is of three generations Kate (Kathy's daughter) Merle and Kathy, a good lookin' bunch I reckon.

The farm is on a very lush green section of the state... most of which is in drought, this photo shows a paddock of freshly mown hay which will be rolled into round hay bales for cattle fodder.

The coastal scenery along this section of the GOR is very good, this photo is of Lockard Gorge where a sailing ship "The Lock Ard" sank during a violent storm at the turn of last century with 52 of the 54 people on board drowning.

These sandstone outcrops are known as the Twelve Apostles which is a bit of a stretch now as the sea has reclaimed 4 of them and is working hard on several of the remaining 8.

A kindly American tourist took this photo of Warren and I, we usually don't have many together as one of us is the photographer normaly.
I' try to get a more informative post up sometime soon!!!!


kenju said...

Peter, I love seeing your photos and the ones of the ocean are just wonderful! Hi, Merle!

Ingrid said...

That must have been a beautiful trip and then together with Merle !! It's such a nice photo of her with her daughter and grand daughter !

karisma said...

I am so jealous Peter! Next time, can you please, please pretty please pick me up on the way past???? I promise I will behave! Well at least I will try very hard!

I absolutely love those wood carvings and the coast pictures! I know I live on the coast but I could quite happily work my way slowly around Australias coastline!

Dave said...

Excellent story and pictures Peter!

Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Wish I were there!

Ralph said...

Nice pictures of a nice trip. Those wood carvings are amazing.

Christina said...

The coastal scenery is gorgeous! I'm glad you are having a good time.

Jamie Dawn said...

Those views from the GOR are splendid!!!
I just LOVE how gorgeous it is there!

Hello to Merle and family.
Great looking trio of ladies.

Keep enjoying your trip.
I know you will.
I really enjoy all the photos and commentary.

Pamela said...

gorgeous scenery (:
You and Warren can stand in for two of the apostles!

Joy Des Jardins said...

What a nice trip Peter...and so glad you got to spend some time with Merle...love that photo of her with her daughter and granddaughter. Lovely pics of the ocean scenes. You were looking pretty dapper I must say...and those were some pretty impressive wood carvings Peter.

Cliff said...

Thanks Peter. Great tour of the GOR. I wish I was in back seat of this tour.

Merle said...

Hi Peter ~~ I love the title of this post
~~ a la Slim Dusty song ~ "Travelling still, Always will."
And it's a great post but look at what you had to work with. Enjoy the rest of your trip home. Hi Warren. Back to work
~ what fun!! Take care, Love, Merle.

Puss-in-Boots said...

The Great Ocean Road is on my list of things to do and see. Sounds as if you two are having a great ole time.

Drive carefully...and watch the red wine.

Jeanette said...

Gday Peter Great shots of your travel along the great Ocean Rd,, Hope your feeling a lot better and no more throwing up along the way..

Take great care ..Jan

Merle said...

Hi again Peter ~~ Thanks for the comment letting me know you were home as far as Brisbane. That storm sounded like a beauty. I have been worried you may have caught Michelle's bug and sounds like you did, but kept on with your plans. Did you enjoy the day in Canberra,
I may NEVER go back to WOW, but enjoyed having a look and getting a few extras for Christmas. Only 39 sleeps to go.
Say Hi to Ken and Jackie when you get home. Take care, I really enjoyed seeing you and also Warren. Someone said you two looked like brothers. I
guess you both will be offended by that. Love, Merle.