You can't always believe what you see at first glance

picture 1................picture 2................picture 3

picture 4.................picture 5
Some of you no doubt saw the images here for what they are, others
will get quite a surprise when they study the larger images, I never
cease to be amazed by this sort of thing and marvel at the creative
minds that come up with them in the first place.

you see the enlargement.

Not for any special reason just coz I like it, heres a joke.
Unusual Illness.
On their Wedding Night a young couple left the church and arrived
at the hotel where they were spending the first night of their
They opened the champagne and began undressing.
When the bridegroom removed his socks, his new wife Asked, "Ewww
what's wrong with your feet? Your toes look all mangled and weird.
Why are your feet so gross?"
"I had tolio as a child," he answered.
"You mean polio?" she asked.
“No, tolio. The disease only affected my toes."
The bride was satisfied with this explanation, and they continued
When the groom took off his pants, his bride once again wrinkled
up her nose.
"What's wrong with your knees?" she asked. "They're all lumpy and
"As a child, I also had kneasles," he explained.
"You mean measles?" she asked.
"No, kneasles. It was a strange illness that only affected my knees."
The new bride had to be satisfied with this answer.
As the undressing continued, her husband at last removed his
"Don't tell me," she said. "Let me guess...........
That joke is a classic LOL
The photos are so cool, I love seeing both views.
Have a great day!!
Neat photos--I enjoyed them very much.
Hope you are enjoying your day.
Happy Valentines Day although for you it's over by now isn't it?
Love that joke.
Those are really neat! My teenagers loved the first two! And that joke...I should have known what was coming!
Loved the joke.
Loved the pictures much more.
I just love optical illusions Peter....those were wonderful. Thanks.
"Smallcox" ... hahahaha !!
Love the pictures, they are very clever, Peter.
Thanks for sharing.
Hope you are wll.
Take care, Meow
This was entertainment at it's finest Peter. Thanks
LOL - smallcox - LOL
I am also fascinated with pictures that are optical illusions.
Great stuff.
lol great joke! That'll teach her not to try before buying!
Those pics are very takes incredible imagination to come up with something like that.
Nice couple of Valentine Day blogs, Peter. You usually don't find detailed accounts of the Valentine's Day massacre on women's blogs. They have to have something romantic instead. I mean, that's okay, but we men only can take so much romance, right?
The mind see what it wants to see.
Loved the joke. lol
Have a happy Valentines Day :)
Great photos! LOL at that joke!!! Too funny!!
I hadn't heard your joke before. Keep 'em going!
Guess my wish is late over there,
Happy [Late] Valentine's Day Peter!
That joke is an oldie (you can tell by the diseases) I remember it from waaaaaay back
lovely art ... who has the imagination for such
Hi Peter. Loved the optical illusions. Someone has imagination plus.Great joke! Alan used to tell a different version ended He had dick theria.. Take care Jan
I've got a book full of optical illusions, I'd send it to you but every time I look for it it looks different!
Those pictures were so fascinating to look at! Thanks for putting them on!
That young couple obviously didn't play the "Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine" Game before they got married. Smallcox... FUNNY!!
Those optical illusions are wonderful.
I won't have a new post up until the weekend. I've been too busy the past few days, and I'm using whatever spare time I have to visit blog buddies.
Stop by JD's this weekend!! That's me, BTW. :)
I hope you have a nice weekend. We are supposed to have nice, warm temperatures all weekend, so I hope to get outside some.
Good joke and very interesting art, Peter. The comment box took a looooonnnng time to open.
Love the song you have on now!!
Was a favorite of mine when it came out!
of course it would be...I LOVE -love songs!
Loved the photos they were awesome
funny stories, magic pictures, thanks Peter...
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