"In the beginning"


The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the blog management, (on the other hand, they are not necessarily not the views of the blog management).

No effort has been made to stay within the bounds of the truth in this blog as it has always been the view of the management that the truth should never be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Marilyn Monroe

I have mentioned my love for Marilyn Monroe before in at least two posts.
She was a beautiful woman and one of a kind, the Hollywood publicity machine
did their best to portray her as beautiful but at the same time a bit of an
air-head, it just wasn't trendy to have beautiful women with a brain too.
Seldom has anyone been so thoroughly scrutinized as Marilyn, and for any
researcher who cared to examine her written works, both poetry and her
philosophical observations it is obvious the lady had a brain as well as her
outstanding beauty.
Now I have told you this so that I can now show and tell you this;
If I am a fan of Marilyn's (and I am) then my mate Wazza is something far
beyond a fan, now I'm not going to tell you that he is a fan-atic.... The hell I'm
not..... Wazza has a collection of Marilyn Monroe paraphernalia that many
museums would love to have.
Now it's fair to say that his "collecting" goes far beyond just Marilyn, he
collects (and keeps, usually in pristine condition) many, many different
types of things , souvenir programs and the like from movies or music
concerts, books and magazines especially about "The Movies" and movie
stars are near the top of his list.
There are literally TONS of books stored in his home as well as hundreds
of LP vinyl records, CDs, VHS tapes, DVDs, photographs... and the list goes on.

The Marilyn library, there's 19 books I think.

Both Warren and I have been using Marilyn Monroe
calender's for years now.
The photographs used in this years were not up to
the same standard as previous years, so if they
don't lift their standard next year I probably
won't buy one.

One of several framed prints,
and a very nice image too.

One of the best known photographs in the world,
This is the same one as on my recent present
from Merle

He has four collectors plates
I quite like these three.

But I don't like this one much at all.

After Warren left for work this morning, before I packed up and headed
for home I took these photos so he knows nothing about this post, I'll
probably get another whack on the side of the head Robyn??


kenju said...

Ha! Let us know his reaction, Peter.

JunieRose2005 said...


now I bet Warren had planned to do his own blogging about Marilyn!

Anyway, a very good collection he has!

I have a Marilyn collector doll! She's very nice! I'll post her one day soon!
(Just for you and Warren!! )


Katherine said...

She's always really intrigued me too. What do you think really happened to her? JFK/mob-related hit? Accident? Suicide? It kills me that we'll never know.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Haven't you gone home, yet?

Yes you probably will get a slap across the head for pre-empting Warren on a Marilyn post...especially using his stuff.

Apparently, she was a very astute businesswoman, too...rather than the fluffy headed ditz the studios portrayed her as. I also think she was a very sad woman. She would have loved to have had a husband and family, but that was denied her, purely because of who she was. Pity.

jules said...

Well now I know what to get you for Christmas this year!

Walker said...

I think it comes down to who can run faster LOL

Good post and wear a helmet

Merle said...

Hi Peter ~~ Good post about a very famous blonde. I guess this is payback for Warren posting about meals at your place. Did you really cook him vegies? Glad you liked the Wisteria, I had 2 pics, but accidently deleted one, may put it on tonight. Thanks for putting those couple of things on for me.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Dave said...

Everyone collects something Peter... and yours is a wonderful collection! *S*

LZ Blogger said...

Peter ~ I would have to agree about MM, there was always a beautiful sweet innocence about her that makes guys want to take her home and protect her from all the other guys who wanted to do the same thing. MAY BE THAT was her charm? ~ jb///

Lee said...

I like that last plate of MM, Peter. That's one of Milton Green shots, isn't it? He took some wonderful photos of Monroe.

wazza said...

Gidday Peter,
Okay, you big shit, I thought I'd wait a while (after you did your last post on Marilyn) before I did my own and now you've done another one, so I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer. After all we can't saturate the blog world can we??