John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.
He is a real Star of the war, and represents what the Western world is trying to do.
Some of you will recall I posted this photo of a partially completed
Happy Jacks (Burger King) store when I returned home from Perth.

If you look closely (after you click to enbiggen) you will see a building just
visible on the right side of this photo.

This is that self same building on Friday Nov 9, Burger King have obviously
done a deal with Dore Brothers Garage, the owners of the building shown here,
BK had needed extra space for their drive through and car park, there was a
vacant block directly opposite Dore Brothers, so they moved them.

already installed.

This building had a services and office block,which had been built separately
and will be moved separately to its new location.

Here is the office block still in place after the workshop building was removed.

At this point they ran into a problem, the boom of the crane was extended
to its safe limit and they needed to move the building another 10 feet to the
rear of the block. So they had to disconnect everything and move the crane
closer, there were a dozen men roaming around this site and not a hard hat
to be seen, but at least they didn't ignore the cranes safety limits.
I don't have accurate measurements for this building but it would be approx.
120 feet X 80 feet with 5 roller doors for access two on one side and three
on the other.

Its all over bar the shouting now, they were just locating each of the uprights
onto the bolts that had been set in concrete, just the final leveling and this
part of the job is finished.

When next we see this area it will be part of BK car parking area.
Yeah I know I have too much time on my hands.... don't you just wish
that you did too.
Yes, I wish I had more time to see what's going on in my area. I agree that progress has its good points but I wonder about all the costs that aren't known. I hope this business got a great deal for their land and that the owner will be better off.
What a beautiful day... the clouds are lovely.
Take care and I hope all is well! *HUGS*
That would be Hungry Jacks I believe.
We can never appreciate our veterans enough. My father was in Washington DC for Veterans Day (he being a Korean War vet). Several strangers approached him just to shake his hand and thank him for his service to his country.
It's great that you had time on your hands to capture all the goings on.
Thanks SO much for that first photo and story about that precious little girl and that loving soldier.
My heart was touched VERY much by that.
Being semi-retired myself, I know what it means to be able to do lots of interesting things.
Sgt. Gebhardt is just another example of the fine people who choose to serve their country.
That's a wonderfu and heartwarming story of John Gebhardt...what a lovely person he is.
As for Burger King...not enough room? Oh, we'll just move this building over a tad...
How's it going, Peter?
Beautiful story!
Thank you!
Great pictures of your BK to be.
I guess the littel girl like the rythmn of his heartbeat.
Gezzz when they evict you there they throw the whole house out to don't they
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