"In the beginning"


The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the blog management, (on the other hand, they are not necessarily not the views of the blog management).

No effort has been made to stay within the bounds of the truth in this blog as it has always been the view of the management that the truth should never be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Fun Monday - June 9

Molly is our hostess for todays Fun Monday


Here's da rules;

I have the great honor of hosting Fun Monday this coming Monday, June 9th. For your assignment tell us about a happy memory from your childhood. If you have pictures, please show us your pictures.

To set the scene a little, in 1946 I was a shy little boy of 10 (seems hard to believe I know)
We were holidaying at my maternal Grandmas who lived on a farm near the charming little
town of Myrtleford, complete with a crystal clear creek, sheep dog, cattle, chooks, a horse
and visiting cousins. (BTW chooks are chickens.. hens and roosters)
To make my world complete I had been given a Cowboy outfit for Christmas and was allowed
to ride the horse...... boyhood bliss.
We always called Grandma "Aya" for some reason which is buried in the past too deep for me
to recall now.

Here is Pecos Pete astride his faithful steed, set for another adventure.

Seems hard to believe we were once such skinny little kids, what a joy it would be to be
able to relive those wonderful childhood years, we must not forget that WW2 had only
finished the year before these photos were taken.


kenju said...

Peter, the photos are priceless!! I have one of 3 boys in a similar waterside pose that was my mom's, but I have no idea who the boys are. You are so lucky to have these!!

Faye said...

Well Pecos Pete you were certainly tall in the saddle and the picture of a happy boy on holiday. Seriously, you do look tall for a ten year old. Is that the case?

Molly said...

Peter, thank you for telling us about your happy memories. 1946 was a good year for me too as I was born in '46. Since you actually rode a horse in your cowboy outfit, you would have been the envy of our entire neighborhood of citified kids.

Rachel said...

I love those old pictures Peter!! I wasn't even born in 1946, but those childhood pictures bring back memories of my own in the 50's and the 60's! I spent a lot of time riding and splashing around in creeks!!

Hope Vickie is doing well.

Merle said...

Hi Peter ~~Wow, you had to dig deep for those pictures. We were a great
looking bunch of country kids at that stage. Glad you didn't show the one of me on the horse looking terrified.
Maybe you didn't have that one.
Hope Vick is still going well and
having some relief from pain.
Love to all, Merle.

Ingrid said...

my memories are different, I mostly played in ruins, but that was a paradise for children, so many things to discover. Why there were all houses in ruins we didn't know.

karisma said...

Awww! How cute! Now how about a picture of you on a horse these days?

Dave said...

Wow, Merle was even more a cutie then than now! *S*

Great picture of you on the horse Peter... it's great that you saved them.. *S*

Jeanette said...

Hi cowboy Pete, I can't see any shy kids there just a bunch of happy kids having fun in the creek...Take care..

Hootin Anni said...

First of all....Pecos Pete. I love that. And then, Christmas and swimming....wow, what a concept. Here in the states it'd be ice skating. And then, I'm really glad you informed us what chooks are. I was just about ready to click on 'open new window' so I could google it.

I loved your memories Peter, and hope sometime you'll share another one with us.

My Fun Monday is shared too, I hope you can stop by and read it, if you haven't already --since I'm just now going through the Mr. Linky's at Mollys before I get to my own comments to read who has visited!! Take care, have a great day. [PS --you have to scroll below my 'walk in the park' photos to reach my F M entry!!]

Anonymous said...

Since I've not been out and about much lately, I wanted to fly by and check on Vicki...glad things are going well with the new doc.

The photos for FM are wonderful. My how time does fly. So glad for the gift of memory...mine seems to come and go these days.

Beckie said...

Fantastic photos! Recently I have been reading a few books that take place in this time frame. Your pictures and words fit right in with my concept of the time.


ChrisB said...

Having read Merle's comment I think you should have posted the picture of her riding a horse!

Your picture has reminded me that I used to bathe in a very murky brook when I was growing up!

LZ Blogger said...

Peter ~ I loved the old photos. Aren't they fun to look back one. I guess the kids NOW will look back at their electronic albums with the same joy? I have one on me that looks like Ralph Morrow on first grade picture only sitting on a trick like Big Dave, wearing a Hopalong Cassidy Outfit... now there my friend is a classic shot! I hope all is well? No worries here Mate! I wish you and Warren and Merle were all coming to BlogStock '08 for the Fourth of July here in the states! We'll all be thionking of you! ~ jb///

daddy d said...

The farm of grandparents provided a great time away from home. I have much to remember from both of their farms. Times have changed. My dad did not have a farm nor do I.

the planet of janet said...

peter, this is sooooo cooool!!!! i love seeing the old photos.

Grand Life said...

Loved the photo's. I was born during the war and it is a huge part of our family history. Thanks
for sharing.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Lovely photos Pete. It's great seeing everyone's old photos and hearing their stories. Sounds like you had a childhood where you could really run wild and enjoy life. Wonderful.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ha! How skinny you all are! I love these photos. Priceless. Thanks for sharing on Fun Monday.

Alison said...

I love your photos, they are wonderful...you were a cute little guy, and those are priceless memories.

Pamela said...

Is that Merle - who now tells all those naughty jokes. woooo hooo. she was a cutie pie.

You made a mighty fine buckeroo, too!

IamwhoIam said...

My horses all had springs or mop heads - and from the photo it looks as if you all are happy and health.

Merle said...

Hi again Peter ~~ Thanks for the comments, but I don't get "long-winded" very often. It was just a good day out and seeing Merle and
Sean was bitter sweet.
Hope things are better for Vicki.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Heather said...

the cowboy outfit and you riding the horse - priceless! I love the swimming picture. Would be unthinkable here at Christmas time - we're usually dreaming of a "White Christmas"!

Cazzie!!! said...

What gorgeous pictures, they really do say a thousand words!

Lee said...

Ummmm....."a shy little boy"! I guess I have to believe that as I was a shy little girl, but I made up for lost time and opportunities as I grew older - not that I've yet grown-up, of course!

Walker said...

Time lies Pecos but there are still heaps of sunsets to ride off into :)