At the moment its easier to post pictures of those who haven't arrived yet than those that have as they are drifting in and out of the house doing whatever their lives demand of them at present.
The dreaded Christmas shopping is finished... for me anyway, there are people missing in action today who I'm assuming are out there franticly searching for just the right gift for me!! Well one can dream can't one??
The tonic laughter has been flowing freely, as it always seems to when we get together in a family group so if there is truth in the story that laughter is the best tonic Vicki should be improving rapidly, (as for me all I'm getting are sore stomach muscles... there is a fair bit of weight there for them to move around).
The plan for tonight is for "Fish and Chips" down at the beach, a most enjoyable way to spend a warm summer evening, so this might provide the opening shots for the photographic record of the "Christmas Adventure"
More to come!!!
Hoping to set a record as the fastest commenter ever! Or close at least.
See you Sunday Pop.
Close but probably no cigar Marcus... There are readers worlwide poised to comment the instant another pearl of wisdom is forthcoming.
Peter, I know you will have a great time with your family, and hopefully, having everyone around will take Vicki's mind off her troubles. I've been praying for you both.
I know what the perfect gift for you would be - ... a healed Vicki.
Wish I had that wrapped and in the mail for you. Hugs.
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time Peter... all the best for the holidays my friend!
Marcus, you win.
I can only ditto what the others said above. I particularly like Pamela's best wishes. We wish you all well.
Gidday Peter,
Yep, I know you'll be shocked to find that I have re-started my blog.
My next venture is to do a post or two on our Victorian trip.
I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and I trust that the visit of Vicki with all the clan helps to wipe away some of Vicki's health problems.
Olivia is down at the present and I took her to Sea World last Sunday where she swam with the dolphins. Enjoy your visit in W.A. ole' friend.
Peter, have a wonderful Christmas...actually it sounds as if you are anyway. I'm in the other lot are in all directions this year, so I'm with friends.
I'm sure Vicki is having a wonderful time with her dear old dad there, too. That's probably the best medicine for her.
Hi Peater ~~ Sounds like a lot of fun and laughter and that you are all
enjoying it. I sent an e-mail to you today that is meant for Vick. Didn't know if her address would get it to her. Rex is living dangerously,
maybe he wasn't allowed to climb as a kid. I, too, second Pamela's words. We all wish for better health and less pain for Vicki. Take care and enjoy all those gifts everyone bought for you. Love to all and yourself. Merle.
Maybe he can't read entglish it a more than common problem in the world than most people realize.
If the electrified the railing it might stimulate reading
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