Some photographic evidence that we are having a fun Christmas here
in WA.Please click photos to enbiggen them.
How else would you start the day but with some instructional use of the
dreaded iron! Paula insisted that Bruce take a "hands on" role!!!

I very nearly took exception to being presented with this poster!!!!
If you can't read the smaller print at the bottom, it says;
A hazardous substance is stored nearby. It's the excess fat packed
around your middle.
Fat that increases your risk of heart disease and other serious illnesses,
such as diabetes. Good reason to start a
waist disposal program today.

For those of you who thought how nice it was that my ex wife and I got along
so well!!!!

The parking lot at the front of Alan and Lyn's house, showing 7 of the 8 cars there.

Some very pretty curtain material used tastefully here.

Ooops, one of Jenna's ex friends described her lovely new dress by saying,
"Looks like curtain material to me" end quote AND friendship.

My favourite daughter is standing up to the strain pretty well, and is really
enjoying the "Family Fun."

Luke's motor bike provided a bit of fun, here Jenna, who just refuses to be left out
of anything provided the best shot of the rear end... be nice, I meant of the bike!!!
note number plate please.

There was a shaded area outside for conversation, and later on some board games.

The table settings were beautiful as was the meal that shortly hereafter graced them,
I just didn't have the heart to take the "after" shot, when their pristine appearance
had been given the treatment.

This was our gracious host, Number 1 son Alan at the end of a great day!!!
Peter, thank you so much for sharing your good times.
You will have to do what you will have to do concerning the waist disposal project.
It just doesn't seem fair to be given such a poster prior to being fed such a marvelous feast.
I suspect that the only reason for not taking an "after" shot was because there was nothing left to shoot.
Vicki is looking good. It is great to see the laughter in the photo. Vicki, keep on finding those things that are laughable.
Great Meal, Great Fun, Great Family, Great Day. Looking forward to round two! Hope Mum survives!
Peter, I NEED that poster!! Or - mr. kenju needs it! Maybe I'll make one for him....LOL
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Hi Peter! I'm sorry I haven't been around to comment here lately. I'm trying to get caught up. First of all I'm sorry to hear that Vicki is not feeling so well these days. I will certainly pray for her. Looks like she is wearing one of Jamie's cross necklaces!
I laughed at the sign on the top of your blog about Christmas being cancelled!! Very funny!!!
Love the caution sign!! Lots of people could use one of those, myself included I think!! Seems my waist is getting harder to see these days! The holidays aren't helping that any.
I loved all your pictures of your delightful family! So glad you are getting together and having a grand time. The table settings are lovely!
I wish you and your family a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I'm sending you a huge hug for Christmas! :)
Boy, Vicki's a chip off the old block! I'm glad you're all having such a great time, especially as all the cars parked outside make the place look like a used car lot...hehe.
I've got my second Christmas tomorrow evening...then the third on the I guess I need a poster like that, too.
Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, Peter. I hope your ex's throat isn't too sore to enjoy the food...
Man, I want to be in YOUR family! Looks like you guys have a lot of fun! ~chuckling~
Dear Peter,
I enjoyed your family pictures very much. Looks like a lot of fun times were had!
Sending my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a good New Year for you and all the family!
Looks like everyone had a great time! Glad you are all having fun!
HA HA HA I see they have a wanted poster out on you
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