a fleet of trucks loaded with hay and general freight to cart much needed
supplies to the fire ravaged area north east of Melbourne.
As they were running short of prime movers to haul the semi trailers Rex
volunteered his truck and services to help out, so he and a close friend who
will co-drive set of this morning on a 2,200 km round trip to deliver the

where the computer was adjusted to allow for speed of 100 KPH, this has
just been increased from 90 KPH that had applied when Rex converted to
"Road Train" operation.

of the fires, there has already been well over 100 Million dollars donated by
a generous public, business and sporting bodies, as well as the mountains of
goods, food, clothing, bedding, furniture, and anything else that has been
Another death has occurred, bringing the total at this time to 201, this time
it was a volunteer fireman from Canberra who was crushed to death when a
tree fell onto the back of a fire truck as he was attaching a hose to it.
This by some miracle was the first death of a fireman during the holocaust.
Yet another vast area, this time in NSW and WA, has been flooded, adding
to the floods that have inundated huge areas in Qld over the last 2 weeks,
it seems that very little of the flood waters will reach the parched parts of
NSW and SA, most of it will flow west and either fill or partly fill Lake Eyre
this happens 4 or 5 times each century, the very flat country that the water
goes through make for a very slow moving flood that will take another 2
to 3 months to reach its destination.
Meanwhile this land of contrasts has Fire, flood and drought all vying for
attention at the same time, it never gets boring!!
What more can you take?! I hope that all of it will be over soon, Peter, and AU can get back to normal.
That is just sad. Hope they catch the people who started all that.
mind boggling.
You take care of yourself and daughter.
Gday Peter.A wonderful gesture from the people of SA.and a true act of kindness for Rex and his friend to give up there time to bring much needed supplies to the victims of these devasting fires,, Hope everything is continueing to go well for Vicki. I wish Rex and his mate a very safe trip.
Take care.. Jan
THe true spirit of a people is their will to give to those is need.
Some give a little and some their lives for others to live on
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