Fun Monday
The subject: Show me in pictures or tell me in words what defines the place where you live.
This is the view from the front door, (well a few steps outside the front door actually) this is a temporary residence in Adelaide South Australia not my home in Gympie Queensland.
I am living here as support staff for my Daughter who is having some medical problems and is undergoing treatment here in Adelaide, Vicki normally lives at the small rural town of Wudinna which is a 6 hour drive from here, she is married to a grain farmer and the busy life on the farm would not let them both be away at the same time for the 6 to 12 months that her treatment may take.
As some of you will already know, I am single and retired so I was able to (and pleased to) become her carer at least until her health improves to the stage where we are all certain she can manage on her own.
All of that is to explain why I have this very pleasant outlook from my place of abode, Vicki and Rex have a unit here in town for family use so we are using this, it is located in a very nice suburban setting adjacent to an ornamental lake (two lakes actually) which is very popular with birdlife and people who enjoy walking and exercising their dogs on the paths that meander around the lakes.
I now must confess that my mind is not really on this post and I apologize for this, the southern half of Australia has been undergoing a severe drought for the last few years and more recently a severe heat wave (we are in the middle of our summer here), this has led to some really horrific bushfires particularly in the adjoining state of Victoria.
There has been a huge loss of life in these fires, possibly as many as 100 people, and my mind is distracted by the horror of this... I will post photos and some detail probably tomorrow if you would like to come back and see the sad details.
Please visit some of the Fun Monday sites and have a "Fun Monday"
My mind is on the fact that it's about 9am your end and yet people are winding down to go to bed here (it's 10:30pm)...
Those bushfires sound dreadful. The last massive drought year in Britain was 1976 ~ and it says everything that I remember quite clearly the aftermath of a fire on the heath: the smouldering blackened tangles of bushes and trees, the black ground, the heat still emanating from fallen logs when I was only FOUR ...
I hope your weather finally does calm down Peteer it sounds crazy out there...
Hi Peter, my mind is in the same place. I have been crying all morning, its terrible! I wish our tears could put out the fires. Its so windy here today, that southerly we have been awaiting is just fueling the fires around here! Hugs to you and Vicki, I hope she is doing better.
The view and the setting there is very lovely.
You are a loving, caring, giving father just like the terrific dad that I am blessed with.
I know Vicki appreciates you and loves you so much, and it is obvious that you are devoted to her and adore her.
I heard about those horrible fires! It is horrifying! I am so sad over all the lives that have been lost.
Vicky is lucky to have such a great Dad. Being retired give you great freedom.
It looks like a wonderful place to help your little girl get well. You're a wonderful papa!
On my way to read your fire post. I'm just shocked and so sad for all of you.
What a beautiful setting to see when you open your front door. I just read your fire post. Just want to extend my prayers to your country and the devistation that is taking place. May God have Mercy.
Beautiful lake - but oh the horrors of the fires. We are praying for all of the fire victims!
pretty photo. sorry for the circumstances in which you came to have the view, though.
A lovely spot. I'm so glad you're able to be there with Vicki. I hope all is going well on that front.
Hi Peter--was glad to see you on Pamela's Fun Monday post lineup. Back last September I met quite a few really nice Aussies on a tour of Europe, plus all those in the blogosphere. That makes hearing about the devastating brushfires even more relevant. I know you are just heartsick over the loss of life, property, natural beauty and memories from this fire. Vicki is fortunate to have her old Dad stay with her during this long treatment. Hope she's responding well to them.
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