I got this picture from my good buddy Jan at Yarrawonga so it seems that Adelaide isn't the only hotspot but there has been 6 consecutive days over 40 C, the hottest day for 100 years, (45.7 C) the highest overnight minimum ever recorded here, (34.9 C) and we have another 6 days of 37 C, (100 F) or higher still to come.
There has already bee 32 heat related deaths, a huge bushfire in Victoria which has claimed 28 houses but fortuneatly no lives, this fire appears to have been lit by an arsonist to make matters worse.
There has been widespread power blackouts, public transport services all but failed for 2 days, generally speaking its been a fun time!!!!!
Through it all Vicki has been as well as could be hoped, so at least thats somrthing to be thankful for.
Peter, there are people in many places over here in North America who would change places with you if they could! We don't have it too bad here in Raleigh (63* today) but in the mid-west, they've had record cold and record snows!! I
d love some of that AU heat right now!
I read that yesterday and saw it at TV ! It's really something, we have the coldest winter since over 20 years and you have a heat wave !! Can't you send a little bit over ?
Glad to know that Vicki is weathering the heat well. (Yeah, the pun was intended.)
Great piece of art, that.
Keep cool.
I'm so glad to hear that Vicki is doing fine Peter. It's strange to hear that you are having problems with all that heat when we are still struggling with the cold here in the midwestern states of the US. Although I guess you could say we're going through a 'heatwave' ourselves right now over the past few days. It's been in the 20's and 30's...WOW! Some of the snow has actually started to melt.
Seriously Peter, I hope you and Merle and your families have been careful in that dreadful heat. Please take the measures necessary for your safety and health during this time. Much love to you all... ~Joy
I'm thinking icy cool thoughts for you Peter!!
hug Vicki for me!
I can't begin to imagine how you are coping, everytime I start to really feel the heat I think of you copping it worse. I think our hottest has been around 42 or 43. (And thats a melting heat as it is!) Today is actually quite pleasant in the high 20's!
Take care. Hugs xxxx
Repeat after me:
It's not global warming...
It's not global warming...
It's not global warming...
Hi Peter and Vicki ~~ Glad you are both surviving as I am, but only just. I hope you read the e mail I forwarded to you about Sweet Poison.
No more Equal or Diet Coke for me.
Take care, Love to you both. Merle.
Hooray that Vicki is doing fairly well... Now we just need for her to do really, really well.
I included you (and the picture you sent me of five of your family members wearing crosses) in my current post. It's funny that you talk about how hot it is there. I mentioned the warm weather in my post because for us in the USA, it is winter and very cold over much of the country.
Have some iced tea and stay by the air conditioner.
That's a clever photo, isn't it? It doesn't take long for the jokesters to come up with something to cover any situation happening at the time.
I'm glad Vicki is coping, I've been wondering how she's doing. Well, take care both of you and let's hope the heat settles down soon.
Good deal and glad to hear about Vicki.
Not to fear about the heat. You guys just need to contact our new President. He'll have 2 or 3 billion $ lined up to send to your country to buy ice, cool the weather and put people to work. All you have to do is ask the right person. Our new motto is: Money's no object.
Man that is hot - try and stay cool. That is good news about Vicki.
What I wouldn't give to split the difference with you, temperature wise. We had another day of single digit temperatures and I'm getting quite sick of it. Wind chills of below zero fahrenheit too. I don't even think they have a celsius reading that goes that low.
Gday Peter, Ohhh Boy its been a scorcher here 44c forcast tomorrow.. I posted a little bit out of our local paper..on the heat wave....jan
Between the heat and flooding in Australia in sounds like your in a kettle of hot water.
Its good to hear Vickie is doing good with all this weather mayhem
I love that... we have Mr Whippy here in London...
Merle told me you'd hit a fraction of a degree under 115F ~ that's insane!
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