This post is inspired by the love some people feel for the industrious
Dung Beetle.
To the forefront of this movement is none other than our old buddy;
e click on this link for a good laugh, promise you'll like it.

Old Horse Tail Snake.
I herby dedicate the "Ode to the Dung
Beetle" to Hoss and hope he may spend
many happy hours enjoying it.
Some little known facts about dung beetles.
Dung beetles belong to the scarabaeidae family
of beetles. There are 4,500 species worldwide,
with most found in
herbivores such as buffalo and elephants.
Dung beetles are strong fliers and can fly several kilometres
in one flight. Species fly either during daylight hours
(day fliers) or at dusk and dawn (night fliers). They can
detect dung from a considerable distance following the odour

plume to the dung.
They fly to fresh dung once
they have depleted their
current pad.
When stocking rates are low
or cattle are regularly moved
dung beetles may need to fly
considerable distances to find
fresh dung.
Adult dung beetles make an
underground nest at the end
of their tunnels. Most species
mould dung into individual
brood balls in which one egg
is laid.
Other species make a longer sausage of dung in which two or
three eggs may be laid.
Larvae hatch from the eggs and feed on the dung in the brood
balls. When larval growth is completed the larva pupates and
a new adult emerges and digs up to the soil surface. The time
between egg laying and adult emergence can vary from one
month to a year or more depending on species.
Hoss probably knew all this stuff but I’ll bet the rest of you
are just enthralled!!
The song was written and performed by Peter Denahy
Peter is a prolific writer of comedic country based songs here

I must also pass on my thanks to fellow blogger Meow, who
came to my aid when I was unable to load this song, for any
of you who have not paid a visit to her site I recommend it
Ol' Hoss will be in "hog heaven" with this one.
Great jokes on the previous post!
Dung Dung Dung Beetles. I think one Dung Beetle fan is
The song would not load for me.
Maybe you could post the lyrics?
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) meow hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
Peter, you dung good.
Wow (I think LOL)
I'm sure Hoss will be thrilled *giggle*
Hope you have a great day!
Old Hoss wil LOVE this post!!!
I didn't know about dung beetles being such great flyers. Flying dung! Holy Sh!t! :)
As for the hippo in your previous post, I'd say her bum would look big in ANYthing!! I know I have a wide behind, so I don't even ask the question. And, I certainly would not put my wide bohunkus in a teeny bikini.
Hi Peter, fun post, I didn't know all that about the dung beetle. Incredible critter, really, but why they want to eat s**t is beyond me !!! Did you get the YouTube video I sent you which shows them doing just that ???
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Take care, Meow
Well, yeah, but you didn't need to take all the mystery out of their lives.
I never woulda told that sometimes they gotta wait a year to hatch. That sorta sneaks up on elephants.
I knew Hoss would love this one!
Now I know more about the dung beetle than I ever thought possible. Hoss isn't the only authority now.
I really AM enthralled with all that info - great post! Interesting and entertaining. As for the song...marvellous!
This post is a sequel to that Sh***y post a while back, right?
I learned somethings here. I've never seen a dung beetle, I don't think we have them here.
Maybe the cow cranes eat them all.
We live in an amazing world!
Neat song! And a well dung post too, Peter, lol!!
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