"In the beginning"


The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the blog management, (on the other hand, they are not necessarily not the views of the blog management).

No effort has been made to stay within the bounds of the truth in this blog as it has always been the view of the management that the truth should never be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Support the 24 hour Blogathon.

For any of my readers who are not regulars at

...................“The Daily Bitch” .

Please call in and cheer wildly for Monty, she has entered the
“24 hour Blogathon” which is to be held on July 29th, Monty
has chosen the Cerebral Palsy Foundation as the charity she
is supporting.

Monty is a single mother to a handicapped 10 year old son,
so this charity is very close to her heart, she is a wonderful
Mother and a person I am proud to call a cyber friend,
please visit and if you can, make a donation,
you know the cause is worthwhile.


Zinnia said...

Wow, I love that picture cube on the left. That is so unique!

bornfool said...

You're one of the good ones, Peter.

Hale McKay said...

Amen, Peter. Amen.

Raggedy said...

I am a regular Monty fan. Your post is very nice and I am sure she will appreciate it.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) meow hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one

Shannon akaMonty said...

Peter, what a lovely post!!
Thank you so very, very much for the kind words and the plug. :)

I'm honored to be YOUR friend. :)
You're a doll, and I adore you.

DellaB said...

thanks Peter .. will do .. can you please give us another heads-up as the date gets closer?