"In the beginning"


The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the blog management, (on the other hand, they are not necessarily not the views of the blog management).

No effort has been made to stay within the bounds of the truth in this blog as it has always been the view of the management that the truth should never be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Round Robin Photographic Challenge May 31

Round Robin Photographic Challenge May 31st

Tiny Things

The idea here is to photograph very small inanimate objects - not details and close ups of larger things, but self-contained little items we see and take for granted. It should be interesting to take the expertise some Robins have with tiny critters, and apply it to objects that can't fly away. And the rest of us have the photographic challenge of learning to focus on the miniature world.

Having been caught out of my home environment I have availed myself of some of the objects that were on hand at Fosters Farm, my original intention was to photograph some of Vicki’s bells, she has dozens of miniatures, these were packed in readiness for a move, so I have used some of Rex’s “toys” instead.

The farm here in SA could be used for a John Deere commercial so enamored are they with the brand, well founded loyalty to an excellent range of quality products.

I started out by collecting all the JD bits and pieces I could find this photo
shows them all, There is a sign that adorns the farm office wall, 4 JD caps,
3 place mats, 1 mouse pad, a pair of thongs (flip flops) 3 small JD models and
a pair of night lights in the shape of tractors.
reducing this to a more usable array we have a much more attractive
assortment here.

This photo features one of the night lights which Rex has to convert
from the American electrical fittings to our Aussie ones before they
go to his two grandsons.

Next there are 2 models, a 4 wheel bike and a ride on mower.

A model of an old JD tractor completes the set.

Just slipping into the real world for a quick look at the real toys hard
at work during harvest.


kenju said...

Peter, I am so sorry that I missed your birthday wishes. I hope you had a good one this year.

Jacqui said...

You missed the string of JD tractor lights out in the patio.

Hope you had a good birthday, Vicki's improvement would be a pretty good present, long may it continue.

Anonymous said...

Peter, I remembered your birthday, tried to ring on your mobile, then sent a text message, only to realise later that you would not have a signal at Wudinna. I hope it was a goodie and that you have many more. When, when, when are you coming home? It's great to hear of Vicki's improvement.

JunieRose2005 said...


Just catching up with your last 2 posts. Ahhh- hope the baby lambs make it!

:) I like all that John Deere stuff- Of course I do!!

Very happy to know Vicki is showing some improvement! I hope it continues.


Unknown said...

Looks like Cliff's place in September

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love all the John Deere! I have some friends who collev=ct the actual real tractors. Must be a man thing. My favorite are the tiny ones. thanks for playing. Love the sheep shots too. Looks like a place I could visit.

Jeanette said...

Gday Peter..
Rex has a nice collection of collectable JDs.
outside as well as inside..

MyMaracas said...

Great miniatures there! I like the second shot best, the way the items are arranged.

Sandcastle Momma said...

I love the JD collection! My sons think there is little better than riding on a tractor. Your photos are great. I may have to pick up some JDs for the boy's birthday soon.

maryt/theteach said...

Wow! all those John Deere collectibles! Like the Hess trucks that we get here on the East Coast!

Carly said...

Hi Peter :)

I liked seeing the tiny models of the tractors very much! We don't get photos on the challenges very often of farming tool, so it is always really good to step out of the usual, and into worlds we don't view often! This is a great contribution! I really liked the large photo taken in the "real world." Neat touch for the entry!

Great post!


Robinella said...

Fun take on this RR. My youngest has a few of those JD tractors too. The toy ones of course. :-)

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Wow, what a cool collection! I was vaguely aware of models of John Deere stuff - I think I've seen a few things at my local Ace Hardware. I like your second collection shot and the the older tractor the best.

Happy belated birthday, and good luck with Vicki and the lambs.

Kiva said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm glad that Vicki is doing much better -- the pain management doctor did so much for my mum-in-law.

The JD toys are wonderful. We have a restaurant/store here in the US called Cracker Barrel that has the whole collection, but I bet they don't have any with Aussie lights either. Thanks for the comparison pix LOL

Steven said...

Love those corporate promotional toys. Nice set. Great job on tiny things!

Monica said...

I liked how you had the JD collection then ended with the real thing at work. Very cool. It took me to my home in Indiana where I saw many of those in operation. Now, I'm a city girl and don't see them.

Happy belated birthday.


Ingrid said...

That's a very cute collection ! I collect cats, lol !

Jamie Dawn said...

Great shots of all those John Deere miniatures.

I am thrilled about Vicki's steady progress. Less pain is great news!!


Walker said...

Very nice collection or JD toys.
Alot easier to keep in your drawer than the real ones.

I hope you had a Happy Birthday :)