This was still a happy time in the marriage and the memories of adjusting to married life and a new baby are certainly happy ones.
At this stage I can’t find a photograph of the house and as it has since burnt down we may be stuck with only the written word.
We formed an ill-fated partnership to run this business together, this only lasted for about 18 months as Pat and I proved to be incompatible.
It would be unfair to say that this move was a disaster, just an unfortunate experiment that didn’t quite work out.
Once we no longer had to work together we got along fine again.
Nathalia is the town where my Mum spent her last 20 years, we had many pleasant visits there, my kids couldn’t quite manage Nathalia thus the visits were to “Nanny Failures,” Mum never complained about the name, but one must wonder what she thought deep down??
"Nanny Failures." That's good. Ranks right up there with ... uh... I don't know... Something, something... "loose knee caps"?
I do not remember Nanny Failure
having an S on the end of it. Give your kids some credit.
Mum lived next door to me for those 20 years and we had a very good relationship all those years,
You were probably luckier to be
nearer to Dad at that time. We did have our lolly scrambles too.
We visited "Nanny Failure" At "Nanny Failures"
ie, her house.
You have all the material, write the blog!
I repeat, you have all the material, write the blog!
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